7th Grade
Humble Beginnings

7th graders who were taught that intelligence is malleable and shown how the brain grows with effort showed a clear increase in Math Science and communication skills.

8th Grade
Building intelligence

What about logic? Our courses opens in a new windowexplicit instruction in critical thinking–including lessons in basic logic, hypothesis testing, and scientific thinking raises students skills and IQ.

9th Grade
Knowledge is Power

The more one knows, the more one will be able to control events.

10th Grade
Ready for Phase Two Expansion

Getting ready for the big stage? Our teachers as a facilitator design and apply various learning strategies to train and stimulate students to develope critical thinking.

Foundation Course Details

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Course Description

"This Programme lay a strong foundation & prepare the students for Competitive Examinations organized at state or National Level like NTSE, IJSO, NSTSE & Various Olympiads like NSO, IMO, IEO, UIEO, UCO, etc & also ensure excellence in school exams. "

Admission Process

Through BRAMHASTRA to be held on 18-12-22 , . The test will be objective.

Syllabus and Sample Test For  BRAMHASTRA



Student Feedback

Lorem Ipsum passages more recently with desktop publishing software including versions of Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet.

Embarrassing hidden chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the passages. Many web sites model sentence.